
The Sea of Galilee is spectacular Israel pilgrimage highlight. This fresh water lake is also called in Hebrew “Kinneret” because...

The Sea of Galilee is spectacular Israel pilgrimage highlight. This fresh water lake is also called in Hebrew “Kinneret” because of its harp shape. It is 14 miles long, 7 miles wide, 700 feet deep and 33 miles around it’s shore. Famous views are from Mount Arbel, Tiberias, the Mount of Beatitudes and the Golan Heights. The Sea of Galilee is also on route for bird migration between Europe and Africa. There is wonderful plant and wildlife in the region and you will feel as if you’re in the Garden of Eden.

One of the most uplifting experiences is our time worshiping on the water in a fishing boat typical to those used throughout the centuries. You will enjoy a St. Peter’s Fish Lunch of the tilapia caught for centuries. Visit the miraculous discovery of the 2,000-year-old “Jesus Boat”, now preserved at Kibbutz Nof Ginnosar. This authentic fishing boat was found in 1986 by two fishermen brothers is preserved in its own museum and visitor center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Much of Yeshua’s ministry recorded in the Gospels took place around the Sea of Galilee. Here He taught and demonstrated salvation, healing and deliverance to first Jewish and then Gentile communities. Visit Capernaum and see Peter’s home and the Synagogue where Yeshua taught and performed numerous miracles. Stand of the shore where He appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, where they caught 153 fish and Yeshua restored and commissioned Peter.